See the Sense
Our eyesight naturally deteriorates as we age, and our tech-heavy lifestyles, with eyes glued to screens for hours, only accelerate this decline. To combat this, regular eye care and check-ups are essential. While finding an ophthalmologist might seem easy, what about a place where a team of skilled specialists, armed with 3D digital technology, can provide the precise protection your eyes need?
ISOPTIK specialises in measuring and crafting individualised progressive lenses, especially for middle-aged and senior individuals. Though eye impairment may not be a matter of life and death, seeing the world’s beauty with perfect vision is far better than poor eyesight. Stop by for healthy eyes and expert tips on how to care for them.
Open Wed-Sun; 10am-7pm; 89, 2nd floor, AIA Capital Centre Building; www.isoptik.com/en